Art, cleaning, Fun, girl, Girls, Glamour, Jewish, Photography, photos, portraits, school, serious, tenement

Tenement Fun

I’m trying a more documentary, Jacob Riis style for my housewife series now. My class is LOVING it, you guys. Tenements are intriguing. Sometimes housewives just clean themselves to death. Housewife suicides to come! I’m excited!
My cool friends. Can’t you tell?
Art, backstage, Broadway, Cats, cleaning, Clothing, comfort, cool, Fashion, Grey Gardens, inspiration, Lifestyle, Little Edie, zine

Little Edie Beale: Style Icon

For my Communication Design class we got to make e-magazines for iPad. I made one about my style icon Little Edie Bouvier Beale. I wish there was a way to share it with you guys in its original form, but I’ll do my best to modify it to share with you guys! There is a slideshow and an audio file which I can’t figure out how to share with you guys. What do I do???

*You guys! I fixed it! I still want to put the audio up for you too, so just sit tight!

Okay, so I made this playlist but you need to have eight songs to publish it. I mostly just want you guys to check out the first two tracks to get into the Mood.

Art, Cats, Cindy Sherman, cleaning, cool, Fashion, Fun, Girls, Glamour, Hair, Hat, inspiration, Jewish, mothers, Photography, photos

Time on my Hands

Feel free to use this as your screen background or screensaver or whatever your hearts desire. I know I am!
There is some pretty fancaaay schmancay equipment in here where I work. Look! I got to use a real live tablet to draw these pictures of katz!